
The Axbridge Caving Group was founded in March 1950 and undertakes research and explores caves. New and experienced cavers are welcome. Training, advice, equipment, books and videos are available and there is an extensive library.

Members are heavily into digging and are currently involved in a number of digs so if your a digger come along and get stuck in. The group offers Caving trips every Thursday evening around the Mendips and the occasional longer weekend trip. We also organise trips to caves in other countries, as documented in our Trip Reports page. All our members have BCA insurance which you will also gain on joining the group.

How much Does it cost

£23 for full caving member with BCA membership which includes liability insurance!

How do I join?

We meet in the back room of the Hunter's Lodge Inn, Priddy three times a year on the second Sunday of the month at 7.30pm [7 April 2019, 14 July 2019, 12 January 2020] to discuss relevant topics. See the Contact Page.

How do I find out more?

To find out more about the ACG download our HandBook and have a read. Browse though our TripReports and Journals, if you want to see some pictures here is our gallery. If you have general caving questions check out our FAQ. To see website updates and changes go to SiteUpdates.

What about visiting caves?

Contact us and we can organise a caving trip to see if you like it, go on try it, it's fun

If you are member of the ACG you, yes YOU can edit pages and contribute to the website yourself. Everyone is welcome to view the new site, take a look and for the most recent changes check out the SiteUpdates page.

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